Members of SLBC contribute to the life and work of the church in many different ways. Christians believe that everything we have comes from God. We want to do what he wants with all areas of our lives, including our money, time, relationships, sex, etc. Our money and how we use it is inextricably linked to who we are.
We want to grow up to be content with what we have in a culture that encourages us always to want more. We want to learn to have giving at the centre of who we are, including giving money. The Church has historically taught that it's good to give away 10% of income on the basis of the Old Testament concept of a 'tithe', but we live under grace not law - we think Christians should give generously, extravagantly, and in response to what the Holy Spirit is saying.
It's normal to give to the church that you're part of, to the needs of the poor, and maybe to other Christian organisations. We've found that for most people the easiest way of making sure they do give is to set up regular standing orders, and then to give on top of that from time to time.
At least 10% of SLBC’s annual budget is given away to particular Mission organisations and missionaries around the world and we believe all of SLBC’s budget is invested in the growth of God's Kingdom.